domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015

"Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great" John D. Rockefeller.

Every day while navigating the virtual universe I usually read a zillion phrases, articles, comments, posts, etc.
I cannot deny that almost all of them seem to me extraordinary, inspiring, soulful, but in some cases dangerous and even terrifying ... and now I will explain why!
Never, and I can´t stress enough, NEVER! We should make decisions guided by our emotions, in any level of our lives.
I think it is very easy to give advice to people, but in this regard I have a very strict yet simple rule... listening, analyzing and understanding how far or not my decisions will affect these people who give advice, and assign relevance and credibility in the same level.

Don´t take me wrong, at least in my case I have always been given outstanding advice and mentorship from equally extraordinary and trustworthy people, but still so I´m always careful.
Informed, deeply analyzed and with the least possible emotionality, is the right way to go when decision making is required.
Remember that we will only know if a decision is good or not, by the results we get from them, so it goes without saying how important it is to do your homework before ...
Phrases like "Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great…" give you the false impression that it's okay to risk everything you've got to get something supposedly better, when the truth is that every move we make involves a significant level of uncertainty, at the very least 50%, so outcomes are hard to predict.
Beautiful/Awesome phrases look great on walls and presentations, but the real world admits no mistakes and the price for those mistakes is usually very high.

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